¿Qui sommes nous?


Nous sommes des rêveurs et des amoureux de la liberté - Nous nous appelons Diego Anna Mae Oiuna et Zas le chat - Nous avons quitté l'Argentine en 2006 et sommes allés au Mexique à pied et en auto-stop - Nous avons ensuite traversé l'Espagne et de là nous sommes allés en Chine à vélo - En 2010 Maé est née et il est monté sur le vélo - En 2014 Oiuna est née et nous avons continué tous les quatre sur une moto, un mini 

van et maintenant un voilier - On ne sait jamais où nous irons ensuite - Nous improvisons chaque jour, nous suivons le vent et notre instinct - Il n'y a pas de lieu où retourner, une maison qui attend, une structure que l'on porte - Nous vivons là où nous sommes, nous grandissons et changeons, nous nous adaptons, nous improvisons - Aujourd'hui, nous avons un bateau et notre jardin est la mer.

A pie, en stop, en tandém, en moto, mini van carvane et voilier, passer voir "notre parcours" pour suivre nos véhicules et mouvements an par an!

¿Que faisons nous pour "vivre"?


Pour se sentir vivant, nous vivons le moment présent avec la plus grande intensité possible. Pour nous épanouir, en plus de voyager, nous essayons de partager nos expériences. 

En ce moment de découverte de la mer, nous vous proposons les œuvres photographiques d'Anna, faites à bord et imprimées sur papier fine art. Pour en savoir plus sur ce que nous avons fait jusqu'à présent et ce que nous proposons aujourd'hui, nous vous invitons à visiter la page Notre travail/soutenez-nous. Votre soutien est très important pour que nous puissions avancer !

Tortuga, nuestra compañera de aventuras 


Tortuga est un trisbal 36, de los chantier CMPF, construit en 1977- C'est un dériveur lésté avec une longue quille et deux dérives, une centrale et une à l'arrière- C'est un voilier en aluminium de 7 tonnes- Elle a toute la patience pour que nous apprenions à la naviguer, à la connaître, à la découvrir- Elle nous a fait  gitans des mer et nous l'avons fqite notre première maison- 

Pour en savoir plus sur nos aventures avec Tortugq, bienvenu(e)s à notre Logbook/Bitácoras et pour découvrir les autres véhicules que nous ont accompagné toutes années, vous pouvez jeter un coup d'oeil sur Nos parcours !

Les dernières entrées dans notre blog

From Santa Helena to Brasil

I take you often n a ride across the seas and I feel happy doing so, because I receive beautiful messages that fill my soul, messages where you thank me for “bringing you” on board, for sharing, where you tell me that our courage and our passion for life inspires and encourages you in difficult times, and you don’t know how much I care about being able to share, because I truly believe that we can break down walls, preconceived ideas, and that by doing so one finds a liberating path. We have questioned everything, from the way of giving birth to the way of educating, to the way of living everyday life, and if that inspires others to listen what says the deepest rationality, that is our instinct, then I feel fulfilled. In 18 years of nomadic life, my house has been the place where I found myself, and the people who have welcomed us, without even knowing us, who have shared a moment, a chat, a story, have made that house a home.

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Crossing Sout Atlantic, part 1, from Namibia to Santa Helena

Leaving Luderitz . Leaving those months trapped by the needs of the ship. And its dry and bright days, its long dock of tilted wood, the dusty streets and the repeated faces of the town. Lifting anchor after two failed cast off, after seeing several sailboats move away towards the west while we continued searching for the invisible, dismantling our boat to the unthinkable.

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6 months in search of the invisible

This article is probably just about a series of mistakes made by two vagabonds who went to sea without knowing either about ships or the sea, and who learn along the way. Maybe it will help some other sailor not to repeat those same mistakes.

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Childhood and the use of the screen

Since some time I wish to write this post about the use of the screen in the childhood- The more time passes, the more I find boys and girls addicted to that non-space that is the screen. Many parents believe that it is a comfortable way to free up time, to avoid conflicts, but many times what seems “easy” is actually not. Many parents think that they cannot regulate or cut off screen use because that would leave their children excluded from their social group. Although many times large groups have made immense mistakes- Choose to do the same to not be excluded would be more absurd than taking some distance with a system that clearly is dangerous for the health of the little ones and their development.

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From North Madagascar to the South

We met, on the streets of Diego Suarez, a cargo Chilean captain, and we started to chat. Excited about our story, he invited us to dinner on his boat. We left the dinghy tied up to the small dock made for that purpose, and we went to visit our new friend. With great pleasure he showed us the ship's command center (the bridge), the cabins, the machines and explained to us how the boat works. At around 8pm we left, apologizing, telling him that we did not want to leave the dinghy and the boat alone for a long time. When we arrived at the small dock, the dinghy was not there. Only a part of the moors cut.

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Connecting with the esencial

It's raining. I am surrounded by green, a lot of green, there is no horizon, everything around is jungle. I am in the house of Seba, a man we met a few days ago at the port, and a few hours after we met he invited us to his place. We had also met other sailors a few days before, and they promised to take care of the boat and the cat while we were gone. Things happen like this, without expecting that.

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22 days in the Indian Ocean

We spent 22 days in the Ocean between Seychelles and Tanzania. We were anchoring at the Seychelles remote islands, up to 200 miles south of Victoria Island. Then it was 800 miles of pure water. During those three weeks I felt outside of the world, and I have to admit that I like it. Outside of the human made world, absurd societies that create their own wants and the others necessities too, so much vain noise and illusory needs. And deep inside a world made of waters and winds, with its impartial laws that bring balance to the so much life that arises from it.

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In the Golf of Aden from Djibouti to Socotra

We stayed a few days in Djibouti, preparing to sail through the Gulf of Aden - We got very tired, we rested little - What followed was a trip where fatigue and worries clouded our understanding, in which we made several bad decisions and a few good ones. It could be the story of why we couldn't reach the Indian Ocean, because we had to give up and turn around. Fortunately, it’s not’. We grab to the conviction that we could do it, and we fought the fatalism that many times surrounded us.

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From Port Said to Bab el Mandeb, the Red Sea

“This dream will therefore remain in myself, like a leaven of energy  – a source of warmth where, without knowing it, I will be able to have the strength to undertake and fight  – no matter the chimera, only its pursuit is worth it – if the fortune, let’s say , does not like the old man, it is because they have become incapable of believing in these chimeras - these mirages of the spirit - the young people, they always hope to reach them and pursue them with enthusiasm, they overthrow the obstacle, without taking the time to measure it, or fear it”            Henry de Monfreid

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Rescue of 69 migrants on our way to Greece

On the sea 69 people driftThey think they die.The sea is a prison without wallsand with a horizon of promises.Some are intoxicated:so much water and die of thirst.They launch a call that reaches where it had to go.Who knows the paths they traveled up to here?Who knows of the paths that await them?That deep despair, that promise of freedom...That is also the sea.

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The sea make me silent

The sea                                                                                                                                                                            The time of the cat and the time of the sail silently converge                                                                                    Both anachronistic and timeless                                                                                                                    Surrendered to the instant that is one                                                                                                                    That does not change, as the sea does not change                                                                                         Always the same and always another.

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Photographies d´Anna

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